Prayer Times in Sacramento

Get the most accurate Sacramento, California, United States Azan and Namaz times with both weekly Salat timings and monthly Salah timetable.

Offering daily prayer (Salat) is one of the most vital and essential duties that have to be performed as well as fulfilled by all the Muslims worldwide. All your problems are going to be solved when you offer your prayers on the right salat time and Allah’s (SWT) blessings will always be on you.

Prayers Time in

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Location Time: 2024-11-09 07:59:31
Device Time:
Latitude: 38.58157
Longitude: -121.49440


Prayers Time

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Prayers Time Table

November Rabi Al Thani Fajr Sunrise Dhuhr Asr Maghrib Isha Qiyam
01 Fri 28 06:19 07:33 12:50 15:42 18:05 19:20 00:49
02 Sat 29 06:20 07:34 12:50 15:41 18:04 19:19 00:49
November Jumada Al Oula
03 Sun 01 06:21 07:36 12:50 15:40 18:03 19:18 00:49
04 Mon 02 05:22 06:37 11:50 14:40 17:02 18:17 23:49
05 Tue 03 05:23 06:38 11:50 14:39 17:01 18:16 23:49
06 Wed 04 05:24 06:39 11:50 14:38 17:00 18:15 23:49
07 Thu 05 05:25 06:40 11:50 14:37 16:59 18:14 23:49
08 Fri 06 05:26 06:41 11:50 14:36 16:58 18:13 23:50
09 Sat 07 05:27 06:42 11:50 14:36 16:57 18:13 23:50
10 Sun 08 05:28 06:43 11:50 14:35 16:56 18:12 23:50
11 Mon 09 05:29 06:44 11:50 14:34 16:55 18:11 23:50
12 Tue 10 05:29 06:45 11:50 14:34 16:55 18:11 23:50
13 Wed 11 05:30 06:46 11:50 14:33 16:54 18:10 23:50
14 Thu 12 05:31 06:48 11:51 14:33 16:53 18:09 23:50
15 Fri 13 05:32 06:49 11:51 14:32 16:52 18:09 23:50
16 Sat 14 05:33 06:50 11:51 14:31 16:52 18:08 23:51
17 Sun 15 05:34 06:51 11:51 14:31 16:51 18:08 23:51
18 Mon 16 05:35 06:52 11:51 14:30 16:50 18:07 23:51
19 Tue 17 05:36 06:53 11:52 14:30 16:50 18:07 23:51
20 Wed 18 05:37 06:54 11:52 14:29 16:49 18:06 23:52
21 Thu 19 05:38 06:55 11:52 14:29 16:49 18:06 23:52
22 Fri 20 05:39 06:56 11:52 14:29 16:48 18:05 23:52
23 Sat 21 05:40 06:57 11:53 14:28 16:48 18:05 23:52
24 Sun 22 05:41 06:58 11:53 14:28 16:47 18:05 23:53
25 Mon 23 05:42 06:59 11:53 14:28 16:47 18:04 23:53
26 Tue 24 05:43 07:00 11:54 14:27 16:46 18:04 23:53
27 Wed 25 05:43 07:01 11:54 14:27 16:46 18:04 23:54
28 Thu 26 05:44 07:02 11:54 14:27 16:46 18:04 23:54
29 Fri 27 05:45 07:03 11:55 14:27 16:45 18:04 23:54
30 Sat 28 05:46 07:04 11:55 14:27 16:45 18:03 23:55
You can print the Islamic Calendar 2024 and namaz timetable of prayer times in Sacramento, California, United States for the whole year. The Prayer Timings schedule of Sacramento, California, United States is updated automatically, so you can always find the most authentic and accurate prayer timings and Ramadan Calendar 2024 for the month of Ramadan Sacramento, California, United States. You can also download the Muslim and Quran app for prayer timings to view all namaz times anywhere, anytime. The Muslim and Quran app also gives you a chance to log your PrayerBook and notifies you to view your prayer history with ease all the time.

Prayer Times today in Sacramento, California, United States are Fajar Prayer Time 05:27, Dhuhr Prayer Time 11:50, Asar Prayer Time 14:36, Maghrib Prayer Time 16:57 & Isha Prayer Time 18:13. Get the most accurate Sacramento, California, United States Azan and Namaz times with both weekly Salat timings and monthly Salah timetable.

Popular Mosques in Sacramento

If you're looking to visit a mosque in Sacramento, California, you're in luck. The city has several mosques where you can pray and connect with the local Muslims. Sacramento truly has a vibrant Muslim community of around 30,000-40,000 people. This community is pretty diverse, consisting of people from different ethnic backgrounds. This includes Arabs, South Asians, African Americans, and even more.

In addition to religious activities, the Muslim community in Sacramento is very active with service acts as well as advocacy for Muslim rights. Many mosques host many outreach programs to promote understanding and cooperation between different faiths. Mosques here are thankfully plentiful, but here are the top 4 mosques and their prayer times in Sacramento:

1. SALAM Islamic Center

The SALAM Islamic Center is a warm and welcoming mosque and community center located in Sacramento. It is actually the largest mosque in Sacramento. With a spacious prayer hall, the mosque offers daily prayers, Friday sermons, and various classes and events for the community. The SALAM Islamic Center was established in 1996 and has grown to become one of the largest mosques in Northern California. It can accommodate over 1,000 worshippers at a time, and other than prayers and sermons, it also offers Islamic education and social events. The center actually has a full-time school, the SALAM Academy, which offers Islamic and academic education to students from kindergarten through high school.

SALAM Islamic Center, Sacramento - Prayer Times

Fajr: 5:45 am
Dhuhr: 1:20 pm
Asr: 3:45 pm
Maghrib: After 5 mins
Isha: 7:30 pm
Friday Prayer: 1:35 pm

(Please visit the mosque's website for updated prayer times, as these timings are subject to change.)

SALAM Islamic Center, Sacramento - Facilities

  • Wudu Facilities: Separate facilities are available for both men and women
  • Restroom: Separate facilities are available for both men and women
  • Separate Prayer Hall for Women: Yes
  • Parking: On-premises parking is available for visitors
  • Wheelchair Accessibility: Yes

SALAM Islamic Center, Sacramento - Contact Details

Type: Mosque and Community Center
Denomination: Sunni
Address: 4543 College Oak Dr, Sacramento, CA 95841, United States
Timings: 6 am-9 pm, Mon-Sun
Email: [email protected]
Phone Number: (916) 979-1933
Imam: Muhammad Abdul-Karim
Google Map Link:

2. Masjid Annur Islamic Center

Masjid Annur Islamic Center is another prominent mosque located in Sacramento, California. The mosque was established in 1993 and has since then grown to become very important to the Muslim community in Sacramento. This center is a spacious facility that can accommodate over 2,000 worshippers at a time. It has a large prayer hall for men and a separate prayer hall for women. The mosque also has a community center attached to it, which provides various services to the community, including social events, lectures, and youth programs. Other than that, it also hosts many social events like Quranic recitation competitions, fundraising events for charities, and educational seminars on various Islamic topics.

Masjid Annur Islamic Center, Sacramento – Prayer Times

  • Fajr: 5:45 am
  • Dhuhr: 01:30 pm
  • Asr: 03:45 pm
  • Maghrib: 06:15 pm
  • Ishaa: 07:30 pm
  • Friday prayer: 1:10 pm

(Please visit the mosque's website for updated prayer times, as these timings are subject to change.)

Masjid Annur Islamic Center, Sacramento – Facilities

  • Wudu Facilities: Separate facilities are available for both men and women
  • Restroom: Separate facilities are available for both men and women
  • Separate Prayer Hall for Women: Yes, there is a separate prayer hall for women
  • Parking: On-premises parking is available for visitors
  • Wheelchair Accessibility: Yes, the center is wheelchair accessible

Masjid Annur Islamic Center, Sacramento – Contact Details

3. Islamic Center of Davis

If you're looking for a mosque near Sacramento, then the Islamic Center of Davis is for you. This mosque is located in Davis, California, 14 miles from Sacramento. It was established in 1986 and serves the Muslim community in Davis and the surrounding areas. The mosque offers daily prayers, Friday sermons, and Islamic education for children and adults. Like other Islamic Centers and Mosques in Sacramento, it hosts various community events, such as Quranic recitation competitions, interfaith dialogues, and social gatherings.

Islamic Center of Davis Near Sacramento – Prayer Times

  • Fajr: 5:36 am
  • Dhuhr: 12:37 pm
  • Asr: 03:57 pm
  • Maghrib: 06:23 pm
  • Ishaa: 07:34 pm
  • Friday Prayer: 12:37 pm

(Please visit the mosque's website for updated prayer times, as these timings are subject to change.)

Islamic Center of Davis Near Sacramento – Facilities

  • Wudu: Yes, separate facilities for men and women
  • Restroom: Yes, separate facilities for men and women
  • Separate Prayer Hall for Women: Yes
  • Parking: Available on-premises
  • Wheelchair Accessibility: Yes

Islamic Center of Davis Near Sacramento – Contact Details

4. Islamic Center of Southern California

The Islamic Center of Southern California offers a welcoming environment for Muslims and non-Muslims alike to learn about and practice Islam. Through various religious, educational, and social activities, the center seeks to promote a diverse and inclusive community that celebrates its members' rich cultures and backgrounds. The center values progressive leadership, gender equality, and the active involvement of its youth. The focus of the center's teachings is on the Quran and the common American Muslim identity. It aims to create a cohesive and dynamic community that reflects the multiculturalism of Southern California.

The Islamic Center of Southern California, Sacramento - Prayer Times

  • Fajr: 5:45 am
  • Dhuhr: 01:30 pm
  • Asr: 03:45 pm
  • Maghrib: 06:15 pm
  • Ishaa: 07:30 pm
  • Friday prayer: 1:10 pm

(Please visit the mosque's website for updated prayer times, as these timings are subject to change.)

The Islamic Center of Southern California, Sacramento - Facilities

  • Wudu: Yes, separate facilities for men and women
  • Restroom: Yes, separate facilities for men and women
  • Separate Prayer Hall for Women: Yes
  • Parking: Available on-premises
  • Wheelchair Accessibility: Yes

The Islamic Center of Southern California, Sacramento - Contact Details

  • Type: Mosque and Community Center
  • Denomination: Sunni
  • Address: 1433 Madison Ave, Sacramento, CA 95864, United States
  • Website:
  • Timings: 6 am-10 pm, Mon-Sun
  • Email: [email protected]
  • Phone Number: (916) 483-7869
  • Imam: Mohammed Abdul Azeez
  • Google Map Link:




The Fajr prayer time in Sacramento, California is 05:27 today.
The Dhuhr prayer time in Sacramento, California is 11:50 today.
The Asr prayer time in Sacramento, California is 14:36 today.
The Maghrib prayer time in Sacramento, California is 16:57 today.
The Isha prayer time in Sacramento, California is 18:13 today.
The sunrise time in Sacramento, California is 06:42 today.
The sunset time in Sacramento, California is 16:57 today.
Yes, you can subscribe to receive daily prayer notifications with the Muslim & Quran - Prayer Times mobile application in Sacramento, California. Download the application on your Android or iPhone smartphone, select prayer timings, and enable prayer times notifications. The app allows you to choose your preferred prayer timing calculation method, either a high altitude calculation method or timings from the most authentic prayer times calculation authority in your region. Users also have the option to choose their preferred Fiqh and daylight savings to adjust the prayer times automatically. Users can also choose their own notification sound.
If you are following daylight saving time, the time of your daily prayers will have to be adjusted accordingly. The Muslim and Quran - Prayer Times mobile application allows users to enable daylight savings time. To enable the feature, select prayer timings, go to settings, select daylight savings, choose the daylight savings time applicable in your region (+1 hour, +30 minutes, - 30 minutes, -1 hour, etc), and receive auto-adjusted prayer times notification on your phone.

Prayer Times in Other Cities of United States