Prayer Times in New Rochelle

Get the most accurate New Rochelle, New York, United States Azan and Namaz times with both weekly Salat timings and monthly Salah timetable.

Offering daily prayer (Salat) is one of the most vital and essential duties that have to be performed as well as fulfilled by all the Muslims worldwide. All your problems are going to be solved when you offer your prayers on the right salat time and Allah’s (SWT) blessings will always be on you.

Prayers Time in
New Rochelle

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Location Time: 2024-12-22 15:55:18
Device Time:
Latitude: 40.91149
Longitude: -73.78235


Prayers Time

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Prayers Time Table

December Jumada Al Oula Fajr Sunrise Dhuhr Asr Maghrib Isha Qiyam
01 Sun 29 05:39 07:00 11:44 14:09 16:28 17:49 23:44
02 Mon 30 05:40 07:01 11:44 14:09 16:28 17:49 23:44
December Jumada Al Akhira
03 Tue 01 05:40 07:02 11:45 14:09 16:27 17:49 23:45
04 Wed 02 05:41 07:03 11:45 14:09 16:27 17:49 23:45
05 Thu 03 05:42 07:04 11:46 14:09 16:27 17:49 23:45
06 Fri 04 05:43 07:05 11:46 14:09 16:27 17:49 23:46
07 Sat 05 05:44 07:06 11:46 14:09 16:27 17:49 23:46
08 Sun 06 05:45 07:07 11:47 14:09 16:27 17:49 23:47
09 Mon 07 05:45 07:07 11:47 14:09 16:27 17:49 23:47
10 Tue 08 05:46 07:08 11:48 14:09 16:27 17:49 23:48
11 Wed 09 05:47 07:09 11:48 14:09 16:27 17:49 23:48
12 Thu 10 05:48 07:10 11:49 14:09 16:27 17:49 23:49
13 Fri 11 05:48 07:11 11:49 14:10 16:27 17:50 23:49
14 Sat 12 05:49 07:12 11:50 14:10 16:28 17:50 23:50
15 Sun 13 05:50 07:12 11:50 14:10 16:28 17:50 23:50
16 Mon 14 05:51 07:13 11:51 14:10 16:28 17:51 23:51
17 Tue 15 05:51 07:14 11:51 14:11 16:28 17:51 23:51
18 Wed 16 05:52 07:14 11:52 14:11 16:29 17:51 23:52
19 Thu 17 05:52 07:15 11:52 14:12 16:29 17:52 23:52
20 Fri 18 05:53 07:15 11:53 14:12 16:30 17:52 23:53
21 Sat 19 05:53 07:16 11:53 14:12 16:30 17:53 23:53
22 Sun 20 05:54 07:17 11:54 14:13 16:31 17:53 23:54
23 Mon 21 05:54 07:17 11:54 14:13 16:31 17:54 23:54
24 Tue 22 05:55 07:17 11:55 14:14 16:32 17:54 23:55
25 Wed 23 05:55 07:18 11:55 14:15 16:32 17:55 23:55
26 Thu 24 05:56 07:18 11:56 14:15 16:33 17:55 23:56
27 Fri 25 05:56 07:19 11:56 14:16 16:34 17:56 23:56
28 Sat 26 05:56 07:19 11:57 14:16 16:34 17:57 23:57
29 Sun 27 05:57 07:19 11:57 14:17 16:35 17:57 23:57
30 Mon 28 05:57 07:19 11:57 14:18 16:36 17:58 23:58
31 Tue 29 05:57 07:20 11:58 14:19 16:37 17:59 23:58

You can print the Islamic Calendar 2024 and namaz timetable of prayer times in New Rochelle, New York, United States for the whole year. The Prayer Timings schedule of New Rochelle, New York, United States is updated automatically, so you can always find the most authentic and accurate prayer timings and Ramadan Calendar 2024 for the month of Ramadan New Rochelle, New York, United States. You can also download the Muslim and Quran app for prayer timings to view all namaz times anywhere, anytime. The Muslim and Quran app also gives you a chance to log your PrayerBook and notifies you to view your prayer history with ease all the time.

Prayer Times today in New Rochelle, New York, United States are Fajar Prayer Time 05:54, Dhuhr Prayer Time 11:54, Asar Prayer Time 14:13, Maghrib Prayer Time 16:31 & Isha Prayer Time 17:53. Get the most accurate New Rochelle, New York, United States Azan and Namaz times with both weekly Salat timings and monthly Salah timetable.

New Rochelle, a vibrant city with a diverse population and rich history, is a part of Westchester County, New York. This city has a beautiful seacoast that makes it stand out and is one of its main features. This city has a lot of amusement parks, and other places to have family trips and more. The educational system here is praiseworthy, and many unique cultural events are celebrated in the city. 

According to recent data, Muslims in this city are rapidly increasing, and they play an important role in contributing to its culture. Muslim residents are often seen praising this city and atmosphere for its calm ambiance and vibe. This city holds well-made mosques and Halal food options which makes it a comfortable and ideal place for Muslims to live. These Islamic places and other facilities are the reason for the growing Muslim population in this region. 

Popular Mosques in New Rochelle, New York

New Rochelle, New York, has a few established mosques where Muslims gather every day to perform daily prayers. These mosques are also a place for social interaction and other important events. Jummah prayer, in addition to other daily prayers, is performed there. These mosques volunteer a range of other Islamic events like Eid festivals and community unions. 

During the Holy month of Ramadan, these mosques are quite occupied as Quran and tajweed classes are done there. Islamic ethics and rules are taught to Muslims and non-Muslims who are willing to convert to Islam. These mosques are an important part of the community as they hold Muslims together and give them a platform to unite with Allah as well as one another. While the mosques of New Rochelle are not huge, they are of a decent size and provide all the necessary facilities to Muslims. You can check out the article below to find out everything you need to know about the mosques in New Rochelle.

Islamic Center of New Rochelle, New Rochelle, New York

The Islamic Center of New Rochelle is the most renowned mosque in New Rochelle, New York. It is located in a street parking area, providing easy accessibility for everyone. It provides Muslims with the facilities of daily prayer and special Friday prayer (Jummah prayer). Apart from these congregations, other important facilities provided by this mosque include: 

  • Youth programs
  • Quran classes
  • Tajweed classes
  • Bayan 
  • Halakah
  • Counselling service
  • Nikah, i.e., marriage facilities 

This mosque also invited women with shared space for prayer. It provides an educational environment for both men and women equally. If you are looking for a space to spiritually connect with your creator and please him, this mosque is your place. Other than spiritual calmness and peace of mind, it offers a safe space to connect with your community members, making it a place to unite each other. Overall, the Islamic Center of New Rochelle is a clean, calm, and spacious mosque providing all the basic facilities a Muslim will need. 

Islamic Center of New Rochelle, New Rochelle, NY - Prayer Times

  • Fajr: 04:55 am
  • Dhuhr: 12:57 pm
  • Asr: 04:42 pm
  • Maghrib: 07:39 pm
  • Isha: 08:59 pm
  • Friday Sermon: 12:57 pm
  • Friday Prayer: 01:10 pm

*Prayer times as on August 26, 2024

Islamic Center of New Rochelle, New Rochelle, NY - Facilities

  • Wudu Facilities: Shared facilities for men & women
  • Restroom: Available for men only
  • Separate Prayer Hall for Women: No
  • Parking: On-premise
  • Wheelchair Accessibility: The prayer hall is wheelchair accessible only 
  • Denomination: Sunni

Islamic Center of New Rochelle, New Rochelle, NY - Contact Details

Westchester Muslim Center, Near New Rochelle, New York

The Westchester Muslim Center, established in 1978, is located in Mount Vernon, New York. Since then, it has become a place of worship for thousands of Muslim families. It offers a range of services to the community, including a weekend school for kids. The school has now transformed into a full-time educational system offering education to hundreds of students. 

This mosque is built on a larger space and has separate space for women so they can offer their salah peacefully. Other than prayer and education, it also offers various other services that include: 

  • Friday sermon and prayer
  • The funeral prayer
  • Quran and Tajweed classes
  • Nikah ceremony

Westchester Muslim Center, Near New Rochelle, NY - Prayer Time

  • Fajr: 04:56 am
  • Dhuhr: 12:57 pm
  • Asr: 04:41 pm
  • Maghrib: 07:37 pm
  • Isha: 08:57 pm
  • Friday Sermon: 12:57 pm
  • Friday Prayer: 01:00 pm
  • Second Friday Prayer: 01:55 pm 

*Prayer times as on August 26, 2024

Westchester Muslim Center, Near New Rochelle, NY - Facilities

  • Wudu Facilities: Separate facilities available for men & women
  • Restroom: Separate facilities available for men & women
  • Separate Prayer Hall for Women: Yes
  • Parking: On-premise
  • Wheelchair Accessibility: The prayer hall & wudu facilities are wheelchair accessible 
  • Denomination: Sunni

Westchester Muslim Center, Near New Rochelle, NY - Contact

Masjid Yusuf Shah, Near New Rochelle, New York

Established in 1968, Masjid Yusuf Shah is located in Mount Vernon, New York. This is also one of the nearest mosques to New Rochelle, which has been providing its services for over 50 years. It has been an important part of the community and plays a vital role in helping Muslims with spirituality and peace. The calm atmosphere of the mosque helps people to bring out their spiritual selves and be close to the creator. 

Friday prayer, in addition to five daily prayers and other important events, takes place in the mosque. Masjid Yusuf Shah is dedicated to building a platform for promoting Islam as a religion of peace and teaching good ethics and behaviors to mosque members and non-members. 

Masjid Yusuf Shah, Near New Rochelle, NY - Prayer Time

  • Fajr: 04:56 am
  • Dhuhr: 12:57 pm
  • Asr: 04:41 pm
  • Maghrib: 07:37 pm
  • Isha: 08:57 pm
  • Friday Sermon: 12:57 pm
  • Friday Prayer: 01:30 pm

*Prayer times as on August 26, 2024

Masjid Yusuf Shah, Near New Rochelle, NY - Facilities

  • Wudu Facilities: Not available
  • Restroom: Not available
  • Separate Prayer Hall for Women: No
  • Parking: Not easily available
  • Wheelchair Accessibility: Not wheelchair accessible 
  • Denomination: Sunni

Masjid Yusuf Shah, Near New Rochelle, NY - Contact

Islamic Community Services and Organizations in New Rochelle, New York

African American Muslims established an Islamic community known as Al-Islam in New Rochelle, New York. This Islamic community faced multiple issues since it was made. They had a difficult time finding people for their membership and finding new places for community gatherings and events. However, since 1969, this community has been fairly progressing despite the challenges. Muslims of New Rochelle unlocked this new milestone of developing Al-Islam in Westchester County Jail in 1984, which helped them reach a wide variety of audiences and convey their message. 

Islamic Festivals and Events in New Rochelle, New York 

Due to the lack of Muslims in this region, New Rochelle has mostly had Western influence. This means Muslim festivals and events are not celebrated on a larger scale as compared to other Muslim-majority cities. However, with the increasing Muslim population, new facilities are being provided to the community. In 2018, an Islamic holiday was added to the calendar of New Rochelle. 

Hence, a public holiday was announced for the celebration of Eid al-Fitr in the city. New Rochelle was the first in this region to mark this festival as a holiday later, New York City and Syosset also realized this notion and marked this day as a public holiday. This step helped Muslims of New Rochelle to openly celebrate Eid al-Fitr with their friends and family after fasting for the month of Ramadan. 

Halal Dining and Food Options in New Rochelle, New York

With the growing Muslim population, it is obvious that New Rochelle has Halal food options in the city. The city has not disappointed us as it offers a variety of options including Middle Eastern, Mediterranean, and Indian. We have compiled a list of a few options for you to check out if you are looking for some delicious food. 

The Halal Guys

If you are looking for Middle Eastern or Mediterranean food, the Halal Guys provides you with the best Halal options in New Rochelle. This eatery has a wide variety of options available for delivery and takeaway. 

Space Grill

Space Grill is another good option that offers Halal food. It offers a variety of cuisines, including a few fast-food options. 

Naqs Halal Food

This place serves amazing Chicken and rice, burgers, and fries, and much more. Even if you are looking for Halal meaty options, this is the place for you as they also sell fish, lamb, and chicken dishes. 

Offer Your Salat on Time with Muslim and Quran

If you are a frequent traveler and worried about finding nearby mosques that are easy to reach, prayer times, or halal food while traveling, Muslim and Quran is your companion. You can easily find the best mosques within your comfort region without worrying about missing a single prayer.

The importance of Salah (Prayer) performed at the mosque is well taught by Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) on many occasions. Anas b. Malik reported God's Messenger as saying, "A man's prayer in his house is equivalent to a single observance of prayer, his prayer in a tribal mosque is equivalent to twenty-five, his prayer in a mosque in which the Friday prayer is observed is equivalent to five hundred, his prayer in the Aqsa Mosque is equivalent to fifty thousand, his prayer in my mosque is equivalent to fifty thousand, and his prayer in the sacred mosque (the Ka'ba) is equivalent to a hundred thousand." (Mishkat al-Masabih 752)

Jabir (May Allah be pleased with him) reported that the tribe Banu Salimah wanted to move nearer to the mosque. On learning this Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said to them, "I heard that you intend to move nearer to the mosque". They said, "That is so, O Messenger of Allah, we do want to do that." He said, "O Banu Salimah, keep to your homes. Your steps (to the mosque) are recorded."

Another narration says: "There is for every step (towards the mosque) a degree (of reward) for you." (Riyad as-Salihin 136). So, it is obligatory for Muslims to look for mosques wherever they go and try to perform their prayers in the mosques. It will help them earn better rewards (If Allah will). 




The Fajr prayer time in New Rochelle, New York is 05:54 today.
The Dhuhr prayer time in New Rochelle, New York is 11:54 today.
The Asr prayer time in New Rochelle, New York is 14:13 today.
The Maghrib prayer time in New Rochelle, New York is 16:31 today.
The Isha prayer time in New Rochelle, New York is 17:53 today.
The sunrise time in New Rochelle, New York is 07:17 today.
The sunset time in New Rochelle, New York is 16:31 today.
Yes, you can subscribe to receive daily prayer notifications with the Muslim & Quran - Prayer Times mobile application in New Rochelle, New York. Download the application on your Android or iPhone smartphone, select prayer timings, and enable prayer times notifications. The app allows you to choose your preferred prayer timing calculation method, either a high altitude calculation method or timings from the most authentic prayer times calculation authority in your region. Users also have the option to choose their preferred Fiqh and daylight savings to adjust the prayer times automatically. Users can also choose their own notification sound.
If you are following daylight saving time, the time of your daily prayers will have to be adjusted accordingly. The Muslim and Quran - Prayer Times mobile application allows users to enable daylight savings time. To enable the feature, select prayer timings, go to settings, select daylight savings, choose the daylight savings time applicable in your region (+1 hour, +30 minutes, - 30 minutes, -1 hour, etc), and receive auto-adjusted prayer times notification on your phone.

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