Prayer Times in Orange County

Get the most accurate Orange, California, United States Azan and Namaz times with both weekly Salat timings and monthly Salah timetable.

Offering daily prayer (Salat) is one of the most vital and essential duties that have to be performed as well as fulfilled by all the Muslims worldwide. All your problems are going to be solved when you offer your prayers on the right salat time and Allah’s (SWT) blessings will always be on you.

Prayers Time in

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Location Time: 2024-12-22 02:24:44
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Latitude: 33.78779
Longitude: -117.85311


Prayers Time

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Prayers Time Table

December Jumada Al Oula Fajr Sunrise Dhuhr Asr Maghrib Isha Qiyam
01 Sun 29 05:25 06:39 11:41 14:24 16:43 17:56 23:41
02 Mon 30 05:26 06:40 11:41 14:24 16:43 17:56 23:41
December Jumada Al Akhira
03 Tue 01 05:27 06:40 11:42 14:24 16:42 17:56 23:41
04 Wed 02 05:28 06:41 11:42 14:24 16:42 17:56 23:42
05 Thu 03 05:28 06:42 11:42 14:24 16:43 17:56 23:42
06 Fri 04 05:29 06:43 11:43 14:24 16:43 17:56 23:43
07 Sat 05 05:30 06:44 11:43 14:24 16:43 17:56 23:43
08 Sun 06 05:31 06:44 11:44 14:25 16:43 17:57 23:44
09 Mon 07 05:31 06:45 11:44 14:25 16:43 17:57 23:44
10 Tue 08 05:32 06:46 11:45 14:25 16:43 17:57 23:44
11 Wed 09 05:33 06:47 11:45 14:25 16:43 17:57 23:45
12 Thu 10 05:33 06:47 11:45 14:25 16:44 17:58 23:45
13 Fri 11 05:34 06:48 11:46 14:26 16:44 17:58 23:46
14 Sat 12 05:35 06:49 11:46 14:26 16:44 17:58 23:46
15 Sun 13 05:35 06:49 11:47 14:26 16:45 17:59 23:47
16 Mon 14 05:36 06:50 11:47 14:27 16:45 17:59 23:47
17 Tue 15 05:36 06:50 11:48 14:27 16:45 17:59 23:48
18 Wed 16 05:37 06:51 11:48 14:28 16:46 18:00 23:48
19 Thu 17 05:37 06:52 11:49 14:28 16:46 18:00 23:49
20 Fri 18 05:38 06:52 11:49 14:29 16:47 18:01 23:49
21 Sat 19 05:38 06:53 11:50 14:29 16:47 18:01 23:50
22 Sun 20 05:39 06:53 11:50 14:30 16:48 18:02 23:50
23 Mon 21 05:39 06:54 11:51 14:30 16:48 18:02 23:51
24 Tue 22 05:40 06:54 11:51 14:31 16:49 18:03 23:51
25 Wed 23 05:40 06:54 11:52 14:31 16:49 18:04 23:52
26 Thu 24 05:41 06:55 11:52 14:32 16:50 18:04 23:52
27 Fri 25 05:41 06:55 11:53 14:33 16:51 18:05 23:53
28 Sat 26 05:41 06:55 11:53 14:33 16:51 18:05 23:53
29 Sun 27 05:42 06:56 11:54 14:34 16:52 18:06 23:54
30 Mon 28 05:42 06:56 11:54 14:34 16:53 18:07 23:54
31 Tue 29 05:42 06:56 11:55 14:35 16:53 18:07 23:55
You can print the Islamic Calendar 2024 and namaz timetable of prayer times in Orange, California, United States for the whole year. The Prayer Timings schedule of Orange, California, United States is updated automatically, so you can always find the most authentic and accurate prayer timings and Ramadan Calendar 2024 for the month of Ramadan Orange, California, United States. You can also download the Muslim and Quran app for prayer timings to view all namaz times anywhere, anytime. The Muslim and Quran app also gives you a chance to log your PrayerBook and notifies you to view your prayer history with ease all the time.

Prayer Times today in Orange, California, United States are Fajar Prayer Time 05:39, Dhuhr Prayer Time 11:50, Asar Prayer Time 14:30, Maghrib Prayer Time 16:48 & Isha Prayer Time 18:02. Get the most accurate Orange, California, United States Azan and Namaz times with both weekly Salat timings and monthly Salah timetable.

Popular Mosques in Orange County


Orange County is situated within the Southern California region of the United States. The county is known for its vibrant culture, and the growth of the Muslim community contributes to its multicultural identity. Approximately half a million Muslims live in Southern California; among them, over 120,000 are residing in Orange County, making it the 2nd largest Muslim population in the United States. 


The rising foot traffic in mosques at Prayer Times in Orange County signifies a rising Muslim community's rhythm of life. In Orange County, the Mosques are Muslims' cornerstones of education, community, harmony, and social involvement. These sacred places open doors to everyone to explore and learn Islam. Here, we explore the unique details of Orange County's most popular mosques.


1. Islamic Society of Orange County (ISOC)


Orange County's Islamic society is the Muslim community's central hub within Southern California. It was founded in 1976 in the heart of Orange County, precisely in Garden Grove. You'll also find the fully accredited K-8 Orange Crescent School within ISOC's 5.2-acre premises. ISOC has a vast interior that can accommodate over 10,000 worshippers at once. This ample space allows for daily prayers and hosts the Jummah prayers. 


Beyond its religious services, this Mosque also offers other services to improve the lives of Muslims. These services include Quran classes, seminars, workshops, and gathering places for special events. It also provides weekend Islamic education, guidance, Seerah workshops, and online tafseer programs. In addition to educational services, the Mosque offers financial assistance programs for needy people. It provides various services, from marriage counseling to funeral assistance. It has established a strong reputation in the Muslim community and among people of multiple faiths. ISOC also hosts special events like cricket tournaments, which allow people of all backgrounds to participate.  


ISOC Mosque, Orange County - Prayer Times


  • Fajr:  5:19 am
  • Dhuhr: 12:52 pm
  • Asr: 4:27 pm
  • Maghrib: 7:13 pm
  • Isha: 8:24 pm
  • Friday Sermon: 1:15 pm
  • Friday Prayer: 1:45 pm


ISOC Mosque - Facilities 


  • Wudu Facilities: Separate facilities for men and women.
  • Restroom: Separate facilities for men and women.
  • Separate Prayer Hall for Women: Yes
  • Parking: On-premise/Easily available 
  • Wheelchair Accessibility: The prayer hall is wheelchair-accessible only / wudu facilities may not be wheelchair accessible
  • Denomination: Sunni


ISOC Mosque - Contact Details



2. Islamic Educational Center of Orange County (IECOC)


IECOC  is in the Airway Commerce Center, California, USA. It serves as the focal point for the Muslim community in the area. Under the leadership of Moustafa Al-Qazwini, it provides many services to Muslims, including facilitation in conducting Islamic marriage ceremonies, assisting with matrimonial connections, and supporting funerals and burials. It also provides counseling on various subjects, i.e., family matters, youth issues, Zakat, and Wills. 


IECOC hosts multiple other programs, including weekly gatherings for Dua Kumayl, Quran classes, and schools for learning Islamic Farsi and Arabic. IECOC also conducts workshops for Pilgrimage. The Center has programs and activities designed to empower youth. They may include youth groups, summer camps, and leadership development initiatives.  


IECOC Mosque, Orange County - Prayer Times


  • Fajr:  5:13 am
  • Dhuhr: 12:50 pm
  • Asr: 4:25 pm
  • Maghrib: 7:26 pm
  • Isha: 8:17 pm
  • Friday Sermon:  
  • Friday Prayer:  


IECOC Mosque - Facilities 


  • Wudu Facilities: Separate facilities available for men & women
  • Restroom: Separate facilities available for men & women
  • Separate Prayer Hall for Women: Not available
  • Parking: On-premise
  • Wheelchair Accessibility: The prayer hall & parking are wheelchair accessible / Wudu and restroom are not wheelchair accessible 
  • Denomination: Shia
  • Imam: Dr. Sayed Moustafa Al-Qazwini


IECOC Mosque - Contact Details



3. Islamic Society of Corona-Narco (ISCN)


ISCN's primary objective is to build a Muslim legacy and maintain religious practices while nurturing a strong sense of unity and belonging within the Islamic community. In addition to holding congregational daily prayers, ISCN is also involved in collecting and allocating Zakat and Sadaqah funds. The Muslim community members in Orange County trust this establishment to use their funds honestly and provide generous donations. It also offers other services, including marriage and funeral assistance. 


Islamic Society of Corona-Narco, Orange County - Prayer Times


  • Fajr:  5:17 am
  • Dhuhr: 12:49 pm
  • Asr: 5:21 pm
  • Maghrib: 7:09 pm
  • Isha: 8:19 pm
  • Friday Sermon: 1:10 pm
  • Friday Prayer: 1: 30 pm


Islamic Society of Corona-Narco Mosque - Facilities 


  • Wudu Facilities: Shared wudu facilities are available for men and women
  • Restroom: Shared wudu facilities are available for men and women
  • Separate Prayer Hall for Women: Not available 
  • Parking: Parking on-premise / readily available
  • Wheelchair Accessibility: The prayer hall and parking are wheelchair accessible 
  • Denomination: Sunni
  • Imam: Sh. Obair Katchi


Islamic Society of Corona-Narco - Contact Details



4. Masjid Omar-al Farouk


The Islamic Institute of Orange County (IIOC), also referred to as Masjid Omar-al Farouk is in a primarily residential area flanked by an apartment complex and a gas station. The facility encompasses a prayer hall, a dedicated women's prayer section, a library, and an office facility within its premises. It is also home to the Minaret Academy Elementary School. IIOC provides family-oriented programs that usually take place on Friday evenings. The primary goal of the Quran Institute is to inspire Muslims of all generations to cultivate a deep appreciation for the Quran by teaching them how to read, recite, memorize, and comprehend its teachings.     


Masjid Omar-al Farouk, Orange County - Prayer Times


  • Fajr:  5:45 am
  • Dhuhr: 12:15 pm
  • Asr: 5:15 pm
  • Maghrib: 10 minutes after sunset
  • Isha: 9:00 pm
  • Friday Sermon: 12:40  pm
  • Friday Prayer: 1:40  pm


Masjid Omar-al Farouk - Mosque Facilities 


  • Wudu Facilities: Shared facilities for men & women
  • Restroom: Shared facilities for men & women
  • Separate Prayer Hall for Women: Available 
  • Parking: On-premise / Easily available 
  • Wheelchair Accessibility: The prayer hall is wheelchair accessible/ Wudu facilities are not wheelchair accessible 
  • Denomination: Sunni


Masjid Omar-al Farouk - Contact Details



5. Islamic Center of San Gabriel Valley


The Islamic Center of San Gabriel has a rich history stretching over four decades. It was founded in 1982 by committed Muslims who were residents of the San Gabriel Valley region. ICSGV boasts a thriving preschool called Little Angels and an estimated full-time Islamic school called Quba. Additionally, the Center features a mosque for the five daily prayers, Jummah prayers, and Taraweeh prayers. As part of Ramadan's holy month, it hosts several Quran reciters. It aims to equip young individuals with the necessary skills and guidance, drawing from the Quran and Sunnah teachings, to effectively confront and navigate the challenges they face today. 


Islamic Center of San Gabriel Valley, Orange County - Prayer Times


  • Fajr:  5:18 am
  • Dhuhr: 12:52 pm
  • Asr: 4:28 pm
  • Maghrib: 7:15 pm
  • Isha: 8:25 pm
  • Friday Sermon:   
  • Friday Prayer: 12:50 pm 


Islamic Center of San Gabriel Valley - Mosque Facilities 


  • Wudu Facilities: Separate facilities available for men and women
  • Restroom: Shared facilities available for men and women
  • Separate Prayer Hall for Women: Available 
  • Parking: On-premise 
  • Wheelchair Accessibility: Not wheelchair accessible 
  • Denomination: Sunni


Islamic Center of San Gabriel Valley - Contact Details



6. Islamic Center of Anaheim


This organization is a part of the global network of Islamic Centers under the Association of Islamic Charitable Projects. It is situated in Anaheim, California. The organization's mission is to support and assist the Muslim community in California in various ways. The Islamic Center of Anaheim is committed to creating an inclusive and family-friendly atmosphere where children are warmly welcomed to join and engage in mosque activities.  


Ramadan programs, religious lectures, and other Islamic festivities and events are all held at the Islamic Center of Anaheim. The Mosque ensures that women feel welcomed and comfortable during their visit. They have set up a separate and comfortable prayer area exclusively for women to achieve this. At the Islamic Center of Anaheim, you can inquire about the Prayer Times in Orange County at the front desk to stay updated during the visit.


Islamic Center of Anaheim, Orange County - Prayer Times


  • Fajr:  5:18 am
  • Dhuhr: 12:51 pm
  • Asr: 4:25 pm
  • Maghrib: 7:12 pm
  • Isha: 8:22 pm


Islamic Society of Anaheim - Mosque Facilities 


  • Wudu Facilities: Separate facilities available for men & women
  • Restroom: Separate facilities available for men & women
  • Separate Prayer Hall for Women: Yes
  • Parking: Parking on-premise/ parking is readily available
  • Wheelchair Accessibility: The prayer hall & parking area are wheelchair-accessible / Wudu facilities may not be wheelchair accessible
  • Denomination: Sunni


Islamic Society of Anaheim - Contact Details





The Fajr prayer time in Orange, California is 05:39 today.
The Dhuhr prayer time in Orange, California is 11:50 today.
The Asr prayer time in Orange, California is 14:30 today.
The Maghrib prayer time in Orange, California is 16:48 today.
The Isha prayer time in Orange, California is 18:02 today.
The sunrise time in Orange, California is 06:53 today.
The sunset time in Orange, California is 16:48 today.
Yes, you can subscribe to receive daily prayer notifications with the Muslim & Quran - Prayer Times mobile application in Orange, California. Download the application on your Android or iPhone smartphone, select prayer timings, and enable prayer times notifications. The app allows you to choose your preferred prayer timing calculation method, either a high altitude calculation method or timings from the most authentic prayer times calculation authority in your region. Users also have the option to choose their preferred Fiqh and daylight savings to adjust the prayer times automatically. Users can also choose their own notification sound.
If you are following daylight saving time, the time of your daily prayers will have to be adjusted accordingly. The Muslim and Quran - Prayer Times mobile application allows users to enable daylight savings time. To enable the feature, select prayer timings, go to settings, select daylight savings, choose the daylight savings time applicable in your region (+1 hour, +30 minutes, - 30 minutes, -1 hour, etc), and receive auto-adjusted prayer times notification on your phone.

Prayer Times in Other Cities of United States