
Quran is organized into thirty parts: Juz in Arabic and Para in Persian and Urdu. Each Juz is further divided into Hizb, which has four sections called Ruba or even Rub el Hizb. In the Quran published in South Asia, you will find Al-Ruba in every Juz or Para to indicate that you have completed a quarter of the Juz or Para. This division helps you to navigate the Quran better and even remember and memorize it. With Muslim and Quran, you can easily access the Quran through different sections and parts without any hassle. You can easily access all the verses of the Quran that come under Ruba of different Juz. This makes it easy to bookmark the chapters while reciting or memorizing them.  

Ruba is a subdivision within a Rukku, forming a smaller unit of verses than Ruku. Ruba helps organize the Quran, representing a quarter of each Juz and acting as pause points or bookmark points while reciting or memorizing the Quran. There are 240 Rub el Hizb in the Quran, making it easy to navigate the Quran and its verses. The division of the Quran or organizing it into Ruba was done later upon the preference of scholars to make it easier for the people to understand the Holy Book. At the time of Rasool Allah (S.A.W) and later the companions used to divide the Quran based on Surahs and its Verses.

Quran is the guidebook not only for Muslims but for entire humanity and we can relate many things from the world of today. When you read the Quran, you are rewarded for every letter and not just a word. It nourishes your soul and calms your heart, eliminating anxiety, fear, and depression. Recitation of the Quran is used to heal the ills like many people recite or listen to recitation of Surah Rahman to heal the sick people.

You can access the entire Quran on our website or simply download our app through our website and get it at your fingertips. You can access the entire Quran based on its different divisions of Surahs, Juz, Manzil, Ruba, Ruku, Sajda, and Hizb. Muslim and Quran has made it easy for you to read, memorize or search any surah or verse of Quran. Just download our app from the Play Store or App Store and access Al-Quran without any hassle.

The Quran after the time of companions was organized and divided into additional levels like Ruba and Hizb to make the sections smaller than Juz which will make it easy to understand the context and navigate the Quran. Ruba serves as a pause point so you can read the meaning and understand the verses of the Quran. It also helps to remember where you stopped and where to begin reciting the Quran again.  Dividing the Quran into these levels makes it easy for everyone to engage with the Book, learn more, and understand the deeper meaning of the Quran.